
01 Nov 2023

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Implementation


As an ongoing efford to improve my site, it came to my attention that I forgot an import file: security.txt. According the specification RFC-9116 each site should contain one.

This implies that I also require one. So time to implement.


First I need to find how to implement. According the specifications, the file should be located in the .well-known folder. This folder cannot be created in GitHub pages and Jekyll. So a different solution has to be found.

Doing some DuckDuckGo search I found a solution:

So I created my own implementation in /security.txt:

layout: none
permalink: .well-known/security.txt

This is an good start. Time to fill the content:

Expires: 2024-12-30T23:00:00.000Z
Encryption: openpgp4fpr:112AF5458E55B1D08CA30537923EAC2A4EAB7F6B
Preferred-Languages: en, nl

This is a good next step. However, I want to add a gpg-sign so that you can verify the authenticity of the file. As I use Emacs as my editor, it was quite simple to implement:

  1. Select the region with the text (forget the header part)
  2. Call (epa-sign-region)

Now it is time to commit, create this blog post and submit to GitHub.