Org Remark

19 Jul 2023

Table of Contents

  1. Missing functionality
  2. Installation

Missing functionality

When writing large text, sometimes you just want to annotate parts of the text to indicate something. Such as extra text to add, paragraph needs some rework or just something else. In the past, I had org-marginalia loaded but I kind of forgot about it. When I wanted to use it today, I found out that it did not work.

Some simple search revealed to me that the package was renamed to org-remark. So just loading it with the right name would solve the issue. Combined with some simple bindings made it complete and ready again for usage.


To install org-remark I use the following setup. This is a strictly default setup bound to some custom shortcuts.

(use-package org-remark
  :after org
  :config (org-remark-global-tracking-mode +1)
  :bind (
       ;; -bind `org-remark-mark' to global-map so that you can call it
       ;; globally before the library is loaded.
         ("C-c r m" . org-remark-mark)
         ("C-c r o" . org-remark-open)
         ("C-c r ]" . org-remark-view-next)
         ("C-c r [" . org-remark-view-prev)
         ("C-c r r" . org-remark-remove))