Inspiration For Blogging

12 Jul 2023

Table of Contents

  1. Inspiration for blogging
  2. Why it this inspirational

Inspiration for blogging

Sometimes you come across small concepts that trigger a world of inspiration. Today was such a day when I saw the video's of C'est la Z. He shared some concepts of emacs. Not only where they inspirational but also functional.

In one of the video's the irreal site was mentioned. Here you can find a lot of information around emacs.

Why it this inspirational

First of all, I like resources that have information about emacs or orgmode. What inspired me more however it the micro blogging structure. Not sharing big blogs of info, but just small chapters with insights, news or resources discovered.

Let's see if I can keep up this idea. Not to get the hopes up to much: I will not promise anything.

This is it for today. A micro-publication today, but I think it is worth sharing.